Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Questionnaire results

Contents page textual analysis.

 The masthead has continued onto the contents page, the main colours are white and red like the masthead. The page numbers are very similar to the masthead, as they are white with a red background this is a continuation of the brand from the front cover. This is also there brand identity. The white and red contrast works well and stands out on the white background and this continues throughout the contents page. The red also matches the models hair this makes her stand out and helps to tie the page together.  Their selling line is also on the contents page which is ‘discover great music’ this helps the reader in thinking that the magazine is full of ‘great’ music and says that the magazine is aimed at serious music listeners. The three bars either side of the word contents look like the bars used in sheet music, this emphasises the fact that it is a music magazine; it also gives the impression that they are professional and they know what they are talking about. The cover story is the biggest image on the page, suggesting it is the main article. The big image helps to guide the audience to the page, as it stands out from the others. There are only a couple of other images on the page they are also cover lines. The feature articles are listed down the left hand side; these attract a wide range of audiences. They are mostly ‘year’ related articles, suggesting that the magazine was issued towards of the end of the year, or around the time of the Q awards. The feature article ‘2011 reviewed’ stands out the most suggesting that it is a popular article.  The image of Ed Sheeran at the top implies that the magazine is ‘trendy’ and up to date with the music industry, as he is one of the biggest artists. This emphasises their selling line ‘discover great music.’ The layout of the contents page is quite simple, and too busy, like some magazines. This makes it look classier; suggesting that there target demographic is more upmarket and in the social classes A- C. The small arrows at the bottom of the page may encourage the reader to turn the page and read the rest of the magazine, or one of the articles they have spotted in the contents page.  The font used on the contents page, is the same throughout, apart from the selling line. There is a combination of serif and sans fonts. The sans fonts are used for the titles and the serif fonts are used to give extra detail. The combination clearly stands out to the reader. There is no regular article information. It is a convention of genre for music magazines to include regular article information. The contents page can also vary from month to month. The images used vary in colour and type, giving the page a more ‘sloppier’ feel. However the white and red are continuous. The contents page is clearly set out in a rule of three, with three clear columns. This is a convention of genre.  

Friday, 14 November 2014

Overview of the magazine industry.

There are around 8,000 magazine titles published in the U.K today. The top two magazines in the U.K are both TV listings magazines. This suggests that as a nation we enjoy knowing what is on TV. Also most of the other magazines are woman’s lifestyle, suggesting that the majority of magazine buyers are women.  Some are also associated with the older generation, as they have a higher disposable income.
There are many different types of magazine for example, TV listings, lifestyle, Health, Consumer, Business/trade, customer magazines, staff magazines, newspaper supplements, part works and Academic journals. The most popular categories are TV listings and Woman’s lifestyle.

1.4 billion Magazines are sold each year; this is a decrease form 1970 when it was 2.1 billion, but an increase of 1992 where it was only 1.2 billion. This may be due to the rise in technology and the online editions and apps it may also be due to the economic climate, this suggests that people either don’t want to buy a copy of a magazine or they can’t afford too.

It is predicted that U.K consumers will spend £2.5 billion on magazines this year. This shows that the magazine industry is still popular.  Advertising companies spend approximately £745 million on adverts in magazines. 

The magazine industry used to be more like a newspaper and then evolved into glossy magazines. The industry has slowly developed through the rise in technology for example, now a lot of magazines have a website this enables readers to get more information or extras some magazines also have an app alongside there magazine, for readers to either read the magazine on their mobile devices, or to be more interactive with the magazine. This shows that the magazine industry is keeping up with the increase and advances in technology.  Some magazines are even moving into different areas, for example, setting up radio and television stations, this shows that the magazine industry is moving forward, progressing and keeping up with the times. 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Double Page Spread Textual Annalysis.

     We Love Pop Magazine.


This is a double page spread taken from the teen magazine, we love pop. The first thing that the reader sees is the pull quote, it is used as the title; this attracts the reader to read on. The bold pink used throughout the article suggests that the target audience is female. The language used is very simple and there isn’t a lot of text, suggesting that the target demographic is young teenagers. The article follows the codes and conventions, by using drop caps, pull quotes and guttering. The highlighted words which pick out the key information in the text emphasises that the target audience is young as they don’t have to read the whole article they could just read the key information. The main image takes up the majority of the page, which will attract the audience to the article; also they would instantly know who the article is about. The artist is in direct mode, this may make the audience relate to her as it looks like she is looking straight at them. The image is also a poster which this proves that it is a child’s or young teenager’s magazine as they are more likely to enjoy and use posters. The pose that the artist is in is quite playful and immature this represents the younger audience; she wouldn’t be seen doing this in an adult’s magazine as they probably wouldn’t take her seriously. There is a puff at the top of the page, telling the audience that this is the cover story this looks a little childish, which fits the target audience and probably wouldn’t be seen in a classier magazine. It also uses a kicker at the top of the page. The language used in the kicker isn’t something that a young teenager would be interested in, as it’s about her appearance in the press and how parents see her, this suggests that this article may be targeted at the parents of the target audience as most parents may think that she is a bad influence, but the article tries to persuade them that she isn’t.

Overall the target audience would be young teenage females, aged between 10 and 15. We can tell this from the language used in the article, as it is quite simple. The pose used on the poster also gives a clear indication of the target audience, as it is quite immature. The colours used represent the female audience, as they are very feminine. The article also suggests that this is a teen magazine, as it is very busy, and is full of different things, which is a convention for teen magazines. 

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Double page spread textual analysis

 Q magazine

 This is a double page spread on Lady Gaga taken from Q magazine. There is a large red L that takes up the majority of the second page. The striking contrast of the red and white resembles hr mast head and also highlights the key information. It helps to guide the reader through the article. It is a convention for the magazine to have the artists first initial in a re capital on top of the main text in the article. The magazine has used drop caps and gutters, this is a convention of genre for the magazine industry.
The content of the magazine mostly focuses in her music career and how she became famous, suggesting that they are a serious music magazine. They also talk about her personal life and ‘hot topics’ about her that have been in the news. At the top the title is her name and the word lady is written in a more feminine font. They haven’t used a kicker here, suggesting that this is a more upmarket, classier magazine, and targeted towards a more serious music listener. They haven’t used a title as such, this lets the article speak for itself. They have kept the colours quite simple with only a small pop of red; this gives the impression of a classier magazine as it easy on the eye. The black and white photo also gives the impression of a higher class and contrasts with the bold red next to it, making the image stand out. They haven’t used pull quotes, which is a convention of genre, this suggests that the magazine wants to be classed as an upmarket magazine and the target audience would probably be In the A-C social classes. The text is quite serious, this appeals to a more mature audience.
In the image Lady Gaga is naked; this could suggest that she is very open, and has been in this interview, it could also mean she has opened up in this interview too. The small masthead in the corner is a continuation from the cover. There is a website link at the bottom of the page. The page number clearly stands out at the bottom of the page which helps the reader.
Overall I believe that the target audience would be, a serious music listener, in the social classes A-C.  

Magazine cover textual analysis

Billboard magazine

This is a front cover taken from Billboard magazine. On the front there is a long shot of Katy Perry as the main focus of the magazine as he is the main interview in the magazine. The look of the magazine is very feminine I can tell this form the pastel pink and floral patterns that have been used. The font matches the outfit that she is wearing. This suggests that the target audience would be mostly young females due to the colours used and the fan base of the artist. The other cover lines also suggest that the target audience is teenagers as they include things like Facebook and the top charts which are mostly linked to teenagers.  The way she is covered in flowers suggests that she likes to look ‘girly’. Flowers are normally associated with nature, so it could also represent that she is natural, possibly naturally talented.  The puff in the middle of the magazine slots nicely on to the space where her waist goes in and her skirt sticks out. Her make-up matches the colours used throughout the magazine. The masthead follows the codes and conventions of genre by starting in the left third. The main cover line is in the left third, this means that it will be seen when it is in a magazine stand. This could attract the artists’ fans.  All of the cover lines are in the left third, meaning that they will be seen easily.  The title However it goes behind the artist suggesting that they feel they don’t need to stand out, they are big enough. This is a convention for the magazine and can be seen on many of their front covers, as well as the two letters which are coloured in this is also a convention of Billboard magazine. The cover lines cover a range of topics, which will attract a range of audiences for example, the other interview with Sheryl crow is another cover line that stands out. The cover line referring to the charts suggests that this magazine is up to date with all the new music and upcoming stars. Suggesting that this would be a good magazine for music lovers. The text is mostly sans serif there is an occasional use of serif fonts, this draws the reader’s attention and this is a convention for the magazine industry and Billboard magazine.

Overall the main target audience would be young female teenagers aged between 14 and 17, possibly in the social class bracket of A-C. This is because of the colours and description use; this would appeal more to that target audience. 

Magazine Cover Textual Analysis.

Company magazine

The medium shot of the model shows that she is in direct mode and it looks like she is staring directly at you. She stands out of the grey background, making her the main focus of the magazine. Her make-up matches the colours on the magazine which are  pastel, which are the season’s most popular colours at the moment suggesting that this is a fashion orientated magazine. These colours stand out on the dark background and catch the eye. The colours are very feminine and suggest that the target audience is female. The flowers that are at the top and bottom of the magazine also suggest that the target audience is female.  It also gives a fresh feel which corresponds with the new season of fashion. The small blob of make-up in the right hand corner catches the eye and attracts the target demographic it also matches the models make-up suggesting that you could look like her.  
The pounds signs used on one of the cover lines suggest that the magazine is targeted at a younger demographic, for example mid-teens, rather than older woman. 
 The language used, for example blogging and tumblr suggests the target audience, as teenagers interested in these sites. Also the term 'rock' is more suited toward the teenage demographic. 
The font is quirky and modern this again emphasises that the target demographic is mid-teens. There is a combination of block sans and hand written fonts, this is common on Company magazines, and other magazines of this genre. This targets the teenage demographic, as it feels fresh and gives a more laid back feel to the magazine, making it easier on the eye.  There is a mix of lower and upper case. This makes the important information stand out. 
The main cover line is in a box, which is the same colour as the Masthead this suggests that this is the most important and the biggest topic within the magazine. The box looks as if it has been painted on, giving a fresher feel to the magazine. Some of the sub cover lines are underlined this catches the eye and makes you read them. It also makes them look they are important. The masthead follows the codes and conventions by starting in the left hand third, this makes it easier to identify on newsstands.   

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Summary of College Magazine Questionnaire results.

First question: Are you male or female?

Twenty of the people asked were female and ten were male.

Second question: Would you read a college magazine?

Seventeen people said that wouldn't read a college we also asked why, which can't be seen on the graph and they all said that they wouldn't find it interesting. Thirteen people however said that they would read a college magazine.

Third question: What content would you like?

The most popular content was food with fourteen votes. The second popular was film releases with eleven votes. The least popular options were hobbies and clubs and study resources with only one vote each.

Fourth question: How much would you pay for a college magazine?
The highest was nothing with fourteen votes, the second highest was 50p with twelve votes. The lowest was £2.00 with no votes.

Fifth question: Which would you prefer paper copy or an emailed copy?

The paper copy got twenty five votes and the emailed copy got five.

Sixth question: How often would like the magazine, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, every half term or every term?

Monthly was the highest with fifteen votes. The second highest was fortnightly with six votes. Weekly got five votes, every half term got one vote and so did every term.

Seventh question: What three colours would attract you to the magazine?

Red was the highest with twenty votes, closely followed by white and gold with nineteen votes each. Blue was also a popular choice with twelve votes. The least popular colour was black.

Eighth question: Would like discounts?

Yes was highest with thirty votes, which was all of the people we asked. No one voted for no.

Ninth question: What images would you like to see on the front cover of the magazine?

Food got sixteen votes. Students got fourteen votes, teachers got five and students work got no votes.

Tenth question: Would you contribute to the magazine?

Sixteen people said that they would not contribute to the magazine. Fourteen people said they would.
Preliminary Task: finished products
Appendix: main task planning work
Evaluation: skills development

My contents page for my college magazine.

My front cover for my college magazine.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

College Magazine Textual Analysis.

The National Student Magazine.


They follow the convention of genre by having the Masthead in the left hand corner. The bold font attracts the audience to the magazine as it stands out and is eye catching. The cover lines attract the target audience, which is students. As they are about things that students are interested in, for example the travel and fashion, tips on dissertations. The movie reviews also suggest that this is a magazine made for students.  There is a close up shot of the model, Natalie Portman and she is in direct mode, attracting the audience as it looks like she is looking directly at them. The dark background makes her face stand out, making her the main focus of the magazine. The colours match the logo, and stand out on the background. The lighting is on her face only, as she is the main focus of the magazine, it also seems to be on only one part of her face, the part that isn’t cracked, suggesting that there are too sides of her, as we see in the film The black swan. The main cover line stands out the most as it is the biggest. It follows the codes and conventions as it is situated at the bottom, in the left hand corner. As it is her name, it may attract her fan base.