Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Summary of College Magazine Questionnaire results.

First question: Are you male or female?

Twenty of the people asked were female and ten were male.

Second question: Would you read a college magazine?

Seventeen people said that wouldn't read a college we also asked why, which can't be seen on the graph and they all said that they wouldn't find it interesting. Thirteen people however said that they would read a college magazine.

Third question: What content would you like?

The most popular content was food with fourteen votes. The second popular was film releases with eleven votes. The least popular options were hobbies and clubs and study resources with only one vote each.

Fourth question: How much would you pay for a college magazine?
The highest was nothing with fourteen votes, the second highest was 50p with twelve votes. The lowest was £2.00 with no votes.

Fifth question: Which would you prefer paper copy or an emailed copy?

The paper copy got twenty five votes and the emailed copy got five.

Sixth question: How often would like the magazine, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, every half term or every term?

Monthly was the highest with fifteen votes. The second highest was fortnightly with six votes. Weekly got five votes, every half term got one vote and so did every term.

Seventh question: What three colours would attract you to the magazine?

Red was the highest with twenty votes, closely followed by white and gold with nineteen votes each. Blue was also a popular choice with twelve votes. The least popular colour was black.

Eighth question: Would like discounts?

Yes was highest with thirty votes, which was all of the people we asked. No one voted for no.

Ninth question: What images would you like to see on the front cover of the magazine?

Food got sixteen votes. Students got fourteen votes, teachers got five and students work got no votes.

Tenth question: Would you contribute to the magazine?

Sixteen people said that they would not contribute to the magazine. Fourteen people said they would.

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