Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Contents page textual analysis.

 The masthead has continued onto the contents page, the main colours are white and red like the masthead. The page numbers are very similar to the masthead, as they are white with a red background this is a continuation of the brand from the front cover. This is also there brand identity. The white and red contrast works well and stands out on the white background and this continues throughout the contents page. The red also matches the models hair this makes her stand out and helps to tie the page together.  Their selling line is also on the contents page which is ‘discover great music’ this helps the reader in thinking that the magazine is full of ‘great’ music and says that the magazine is aimed at serious music listeners. The three bars either side of the word contents look like the bars used in sheet music, this emphasises the fact that it is a music magazine; it also gives the impression that they are professional and they know what they are talking about. The cover story is the biggest image on the page, suggesting it is the main article. The big image helps to guide the audience to the page, as it stands out from the others. There are only a couple of other images on the page they are also cover lines. The feature articles are listed down the left hand side; these attract a wide range of audiences. They are mostly ‘year’ related articles, suggesting that the magazine was issued towards of the end of the year, or around the time of the Q awards. The feature article ‘2011 reviewed’ stands out the most suggesting that it is a popular article.  The image of Ed Sheeran at the top implies that the magazine is ‘trendy’ and up to date with the music industry, as he is one of the biggest artists. This emphasises their selling line ‘discover great music.’ The layout of the contents page is quite simple, and too busy, like some magazines. This makes it look classier; suggesting that there target demographic is more upmarket and in the social classes A- C. The small arrows at the bottom of the page may encourage the reader to turn the page and read the rest of the magazine, or one of the articles they have spotted in the contents page.  The font used on the contents page, is the same throughout, apart from the selling line. There is a combination of serif and sans fonts. The sans fonts are used for the titles and the serif fonts are used to give extra detail. The combination clearly stands out to the reader. There is no regular article information. It is a convention of genre for music magazines to include regular article information. The contents page can also vary from month to month. The images used vary in colour and type, giving the page a more ‘sloppier’ feel. However the white and red are continuous. The contents page is clearly set out in a rule of three, with three clear columns. This is a convention of genre.  

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