Saturday, 1 November 2014

Double page spread textual analysis

 Q magazine

 This is a double page spread on Lady Gaga taken from Q magazine. There is a large red L that takes up the majority of the second page. The striking contrast of the red and white resembles hr mast head and also highlights the key information. It helps to guide the reader through the article. It is a convention for the magazine to have the artists first initial in a re capital on top of the main text in the article. The magazine has used drop caps and gutters, this is a convention of genre for the magazine industry.
The content of the magazine mostly focuses in her music career and how she became famous, suggesting that they are a serious music magazine. They also talk about her personal life and ‘hot topics’ about her that have been in the news. At the top the title is her name and the word lady is written in a more feminine font. They haven’t used a kicker here, suggesting that this is a more upmarket, classier magazine, and targeted towards a more serious music listener. They haven’t used a title as such, this lets the article speak for itself. They have kept the colours quite simple with only a small pop of red; this gives the impression of a classier magazine as it easy on the eye. The black and white photo also gives the impression of a higher class and contrasts with the bold red next to it, making the image stand out. They haven’t used pull quotes, which is a convention of genre, this suggests that the magazine wants to be classed as an upmarket magazine and the target audience would probably be In the A-C social classes. The text is quite serious, this appeals to a more mature audience.
In the image Lady Gaga is naked; this could suggest that she is very open, and has been in this interview, it could also mean she has opened up in this interview too. The small masthead in the corner is a continuation from the cover. There is a website link at the bottom of the page. The page number clearly stands out at the bottom of the page which helps the reader.
Overall I believe that the target audience would be, a serious music listener, in the social classes A-C.  

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