Tuesday, 10 March 2015

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why

Bauer media is a magazine publisher, based in Germany.  They manage over 600 magazines. Some of these include, Kerrang and Q. I believe that Bauer media would be the best major company to go withy, compared to others, as they have a good reputation and they would be able to help to get my magazine on the market, and would help with the sales, as they know how to advertise and what does and doesn’t work well with a magazine. They also have experience with other music magazines so would be able to guide me in the best ways to publish my magazine. Bauer media publish a variety of different magazines, some of which are targeted towards my target audience, or have similar target audiences.   However, the problem with publishing with a bigger company is that they may try to change my magazine too much, as they would have control of printing and publishing. They could control the advertising and some of the article contents. There may also be competition between my magazine and the other music magazines which Bauer media publish, or because they publish other music magazines they may be less likely to publish my magazine.
I wouldn’t want to self-publish my magazine. This due to the fact that it is incredibly hard to make the magazine successful. Figure show that seven out of ten titles don’t go further than four years. This shows that it can be difficult to make a magazine successful, when it has been self-published.

Hearst co-operation is a magazine publisher based in New York. They produce 51 newspapers and over 300 magazines. These include Cosmopolitan, Company and Elle. This would be a good company to publish my magazine with, as they have many magazines based around my target audience. This means that they will know what works best when it comes to my target audience. Also being a big company this could mean that they would be able to publish my magazine at a high standard.   However, they do not publish any music magazine titles. This means that they will be inexperienced in this area of magazines, which may mean that my magazine wouldn’t become successful. I also have the problem with having less control over what is being advertised in my magazine and what articles are being added or taken away, due to it being such a big firm. This could mean that the magazine would lose all of its originality.  

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