Friday, 13 March 2015

Masthead comparison

The top masthead was the original one for my magazine. After looking at the first drafts of my products. I realised that my masthead looked quite plain and didn't stand out in the way that I wanted it to. I felt that if this was on the magazine stand then it wouldn't stand out enough for my target audience to be attracted to it. The first thing that I did was experiment with colours, to see what colour looked the best for the M. I decided on a dark more plum purple, compared to the lighter violet, as I believed that this would attract my target audience, and stand out more. The next thing that I did was italicize the M. By doing this I felt that this created a house style and that it would be more prominent in the magazine stand. I believe that this also makes it look more feminine, attracting my target audience. The last thing I did was apply a drop shadow. This insures that the masthead can be seen on any coloured background. It also makes the masthead look a lot more professional. With the drop shadow, it lifts the masthead off of the page, making it look more 3D and helping it to stand out.

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