Tuesday, 10 March 2015

How did you attract/address your audience?

The target audience for my magazine would be the typical 16-19 year old teenager. This is represented by the genre of music that my magazine is based on. Also the main image used on my front represents the audience as she is aged in the age bracket, this will help to attract my target audience, as they will relate to the person on the front cover.
 The topics used in my magazine are more likely to be targeted towards a younger audience, for example the festival guide and the behind the scenes. Also the topics talked about in the feature article relate to the age group targeted.
The colours and font used throughout the magazine are also targeted towards a younger, female audience. For example the italicized M, gives a more feminine feel to the magazine, as well as the use of deep plum and light violet purples.
The language used in the feature article is also targeted towards a younger audience as the reference to social media is something that teenagers are interested in.
If my magazine was on the magazine stand in a shop, the first thing that the audience will be attracted to, would be the bold Masthead at the top of the page, by having the M stand out against the rest of the word Melody, this helps it to stand out to the audience, this also creates a house style, and if only the M can be seen from the magazine stand, then it will be easily recognisable. The deep purple colour will help to attract the female audience. On the main the cover the model, is in direct mode, this will help to attract the audience, as it will seem as though she is looking directly at them, making them relate or feel involved, this may encourage them to but the magazine. The main cover line will also help to attract the audience; this is because the bold font allows it to easily be seen and helps it to stand out against the other cover lines. The quotes used, above the name, also helps to attract people buy the magazine, as they will want to read about it. The other cover lines will help to attract my target audience as they are based around things that my target are interested in, for example, the completion to win the HMV vouchers, as they will be interested in winning them. Also the exclusive interview, with an artist who is very popular with teens at the minute, will attract them as they will want to read about them. These are situated in the left third of the magazine so they will be able to be seen in the magazine stand.  
The unique selling point of my magazine is that is a pop music magazine, but it is aimed at the older teens, whereas most pop magazines are aimed at the younger teenager. I think that this will help to attract my audience as there aren’t many magazines like this.

I used a questionnaire to determine what my audience would like to see in a pop music magazine. I kept referring to this whilst I was making m product. Because of this I believe that my magazine will attract my target audience, as I have included contents that they would like. 

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