Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Audience questionnaire analysis

To create a better understanding of what my target audience would like to see I created a survey. I used survey monkey to do this as I thought that this would be easier to complete the survey. 
Summary of questionnaire results,

Q 1. Are you male or female?
  66% female
  33% Male 
Q 2. Would you read a magazine about pop music?

46% said yes
26% said No
26% said don't know  

Q 3. How much would you pay for the magazine? 

13% 50p
26% said No
26% said don't know 

Q 4. Which version of the magazine would you prefer, a paper version, online version or an app?

 Paper version 86%
Online version 6%
 App                6% 

Q 5. What would you most like to see in a pop music magazine?

Top charts  13%
Celeb gossip  6%
Interviews with artists  40%
Gigs and tours  26%
Reviews  13%

Q 6. How often would you like the magazine to be issued 

Every week  6%
Every fortnight 40%
Every month 53% 

Q 7. What genre of music do you listen to most

Pop 80%
Other 20% 

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