Monday, 19 January 2015

Intial ideas.

My magazine will be based around Pop music. I thought that this would be a good idea; Pop is generally enjoyed by everyone, especially teenagers. Late teens from the ages of 16- 19, are going to be my target audience. I think I will be able to target them well, and that they would enjoy reading the magazine. My magazine will probably be targeted towards girls rather than boys. I hope to produce a smart and professional looking magazine, which may be classed as a more upmarket magazine. My target audience would also fit into the A-C social class bracket. I would like to use quite soft colours for my magazine, so it is easy on the eye. 
The pictures will hopefully be taken in a studio type setting, as this will give my magazine a classier feel and professional look to it.
The title of magazine is going to be Melody. This has a clear link to music, and it quite short, so hopefully it will attract the target audience and will be memorable. I think that this fits the theme of pop music, which will be the focus of my magazine.
I hope to make my magazine look of high quality so that it would be considered an upmarket magazine. This is so I will hopefully be able to target the ABC1 audience. 

The magazine will hopefully, be all based around music, so it will appeal to the more serious music listener.